The FFWI Blog
To The Incredible Moms of Inattentive Children…Thank You
After well over a decade of working in this field of helping children with inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity it took me all of 5 seconds in coming up with an idea for an article in the month which includes Mother’s Day.
It is an article of gratitude. Gratitude for the mothers out there that without them, what I do becomes impossible. Moms have looked to me over the years to order and interpret the right lab tests for their child, to be a sounding board for their worries and concerns a…
Have a Child Addicted to Technology? Consistency is Key
Dwight Franklin, DOM
When working with families that come into my office, it is a common occurrence that overuse of technology by the child is the cause of a great deal of stress and turmoil within the household. This stress and turmoil from this technology addiction can often have far-reaching effects that go well beyond the confines of the family home. The turbulence that can result from an inability on the child's part to handle the vast stimulation of the online world can be tremendous. It …
The Role of Food Allergies and Food Sensitivities in ADHD
The Most Beneficial Lab Test For Brain Health
Dwight Franklin, DOM
Concerned and fearful because your child’s struggling with focus at school or behaving badly at home? Has your pediatrician suggested medication?
It’s common. All too common, in fact. And no parent is ever ecstatic to put their child on prescription drugs, even if it can be effective.
Trust that parental instinct. There are other ways to help your child potentially reduce or eliminate the need for medication.
I’ve worked with so many children who’ve had hyperactivi…