The Five Core Personality Types of Children Course

The Five Core Personality Types is an Eastern Medicine philosophy that describes who we are as individuals and how our individual personality relates to other people and our surroundings. Once I better understand the child's needs and how he or she relates and interacts with their family and friends, I have a pretty good idea of what activities and parenting style may work best for that particular child.

In this course we will discuss the 5 different core personality types as described in Eastern Medicine. Parents will learn how their child’s personality contributes to their strengths and challenges and what behavioral difficulties may come up with each personality type. We will give parents ideas on how to best relate to each personality and what activities may be best suited for each child. Lastly, we will give parents ideas on how to continuously develop a child’s strengths while also helping the child to improve upon any challenges that they may have that could potentially be holding them back in important areas of life. 

Also included in the course:

- Acupressure Points to Use at Home for Each Personality Type PDF

- General Food Therapy Guidelines for Each Personality Type PDF

- General Nutraceutical Supplementation Guidelines for Each Personality Type PDF

- Life Plan for Each Personality Type PDF (List of activities and communication styles that are best suited for each personality type)
